blob: 60934f8f03ee10692a529dcf6552dc38620e2172 [file] [log] [blame]
conflictingExtensions = extensions %s
conflictingField = field "%s"
conflictingGroup = group "%s"
conflictingReservedName = reserved "%s"
conflictingReservedNumber = reserved %s
expectedFieldName = Expected field name.
expectedFieldNumber = Expected field number.
expectedIdentifier = Expected identifier.
expectedInteger = Expected integer.
expectedNumber = Expected number.
expectedPositiveNumber = Unsigned field can't have negative default value.
expectedString = Expected string.
expectedSyntaxIdentifier = Expected syntax identifier.
expectedTrueOrFalse = Expected "true" or "false".
fieldNumbersMustBePositive = Field numbers must be positive integers.
importingUnsupportedSyntax = Importing unsupported file (directly or indirectly.) This may cause errors related to unresolved references.
importNotFound = Import \"%s\" was not found.
indexRangeEndLessThanStart = End number must be greater than or equal to start number.
indexRangeNonPositive = Extensions and reserved numbers must be positive.
invalidMapKeyType = Key in a map field must be of integral or string type.
invalidMapValueType = Value in a map field cannot be a map.
literalNotInEnum = Enum type \"%s\" has no value named \"%s\".
mapWithModifier = Field labels (required/optional/repeated) are not allowed on map fields.
mapWithinTypeExtension = Map fields are not allowed as extensions.
missingFieldNumber = Missing field number.
missingModifier = Missing modifier: \"required\", \"optional\", or \"repeated\".
oneofFieldWithModifier = Fields inside "oneof" cannot have a modifier.
multiplePackages = Multiple package definitions.
nameConflict = Name "%s" conflicts with %s.
requiredInProto3 = Required fields are not allowed in proto3.
reservedIndexAndName = A reserved declaration may not include both numbers and names.
reservedToMax = Reserved index range must have finite upper bound.
scopingError = It may be caused by an imported non-proto2 file.
tagNumberConflict = Tag number %s conflicts with %s.
tagNumberRangeConflict = Tag number range %s conflicts with %s.
unknownSyntax = Unknown syntax. This parser only recognizes \"proto2\" or \"proto3\".
unrecognizedSyntaxIdentifier = Unrecognized syntax identifier \"%s\". This parser only recognizes \"proto2\" and \"proto3\".