| /* |
| * Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. |
| * |
| * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse |
| * Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| * |
| * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| * |
| * Author: alruiz@google.com (Alex Ruiz) |
| */ |
| grammar com.google.eclipse.protobuf.Protobuf hidden(WS, ML_COMMENT, SL_COMMENT) |
| |
| import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore |
| generate protobuf "http://www.google.com/eclipse/protobuf/Protobuf" |
| |
| Protobuf: |
| (syntax=Syntax)? |
| (elements+=ProtobufElement)*; |
| |
| Syntax: |
| 'syntax' '=' name=STRING (';')+; |
| |
| ProtobufElement: |
| Package | Import | Option | ComplexType | TypeExtension | Service; |
| |
| Package: |
| 'package' name=PackageName (';')+; |
| |
| PackageName: |
| IdOrReservedWord ('.' IdOrReservedWord)*; |
| |
| Import: |
| NormalImport | PublicImport | WeakImport; |
| |
| NormalImport: |
| 'import' importURI=STRING (';')+; |
| |
| PublicImport: |
| 'import' 'public' importURI=STRING (';')+; |
| |
| WeakImport: |
| 'import' 'weak' importURI=STRING (';')+; |
| |
| ComplexType: |
| Enum | ExtensibleType; |
| |
| Message: |
| 'message' name=Name '{' |
| elements+=MessageElement* |
| '}' (';')?; |
| |
| MessageElement: |
| Option | Extensions | ComplexType | MessageField | TypeExtension; |
| |
| Range: |
| from=LONG ('to' to=RangeMax)?; |
| |
| RangeMax: |
| LONG | 'max'; |
| |
| Group: |
| modifier=Modifier 'group' name=Name '=' index=(LONG | HEX) |
| ('[' (fieldOptions+=BoolOrValueFieldOption (',' fieldOptions+=BoolOrValueFieldOption)*) ']')? '{' |
| elements+=GroupElement* |
| '}' (';')?; |
| |
| GroupElement: |
| Option | IndexedElement | ComplexType | TypeExtension | Extensions; |
| |
| Extensions: |
| 'extensions' ranges+=Range (',' ranges+=Range)* (';')+; |
| |
| MessageField: |
| =>modifier=Modifier type=TypeLink name=Name '=' index=(LONG | HEX) |
| ('[' (fieldOptions+=BoolOrValueFieldOption (',' fieldOptions+=BoolOrValueFieldOption)*)? ']')? (';')+; |
| |
| enum Modifier: |
| required | optional | repeated; |
| |
| TypeLink: |
| ScalarTypeLink | ComplexTypeLink; |
| |
| ScalarTypeLink: |
| target=ScalarType; |
| |
| enum ScalarType: |
| double | float | int32 | int64 | uint32 | uint64 | sint32 | sint64 | fixed32 | fixed64 | sfixed32 | sfixed64 | bool | |
| string | bytes; |
| |
| ComplexTypeLink: |
| target=[ComplexType|QualifiedName]; |
| |
| Enum: |
| =>'enum' name=Name '{' |
| elements+=EnumElement* |
| '}' ';'?; |
| |
| EnumElement: |
| Option | Literal; |
| |
| Literal: |
| name=Name '=' index=(LONG | HEX) |
| ('[' fieldOptions+=BoolOrValueFieldOption (',' fieldOptions+=BoolOrValueFieldOption)* ']')? (';')+; |
| |
| terminal HEX returns ecore::ELong: |
| ('-')? '0x' (NUMBER | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F')+; |
| |
| TypeExtension: |
| =>'extend' type=ExtensibleTypeLink '{' |
| elements+=MessageElement* |
| '}' (';')?; |
| |
| ExtensibleTypeLink: |
| target=[ExtensibleType|QualifiedName]; |
| |
| ExtensibleType: |
| Message | Group; |
| |
| Service: |
| 'service' name=Name '{' |
| (elements+=ServiceElement)* |
| '}' (';')?; |
| |
| ServiceElement: |
| Option | Rpc | Stream; |
| |
| Rpc: |
| 'rpc' name=Name '(' argType=MessageLink ')' 'returns' '(' returnType=MessageLink ')' |
| (('{' options+=Option* '}') (';')? | (';')+); |
| |
| Stream: |
| 'stream' name=Name '(' clientMessage=MessageLink ',' serverMessage=MessageLink ')' |
| (('{' options+=Option* '}') (';')? | (';')+); |
| |
| Name: |
| IdOrReservedWord; |
| |
| IdOrReservedWord: |
| ID | ReservedWord; |
| |
| MessageLink: |
| target=[Message|QualifiedName]; |
| |
| AbstractOption: |
| Option | FieldOption; |
| |
| AbstractCustomOption: |
| CustomOption | CustomFieldOption; |
| |
| Option: |
| NativeOption | CustomOption; |
| |
| NativeOption: |
| 'option' source=OptionSource '=' value=Value (';')+; |
| |
| CustomOption: |
| 'option' '(' source=OptionSource ')' |
| ('.' fields+=OptionField ('.' fields+=OptionField)*)? '=' value=Value (';')+; |
| |
| BoolOrValueFieldOption: |
| FieldOption | DeprecatedFieldOption | PackedFieldOption; |
| |
| FieldOption: |
| DefaultValueFieldOption | NativeFieldOption | CustomFieldOption; |
| |
| DefaultValueFieldOption: |
| =>'default' '=' value=Value; |
| |
| NativeFieldOption: |
| source=OptionSource '=' value=Value; |
| |
| CustomFieldOption: |
| '(' source=OptionSource ')' |
| ('.' fields+=OptionField ('.' fields+=OptionField)*)? '=' value=Value; |
| |
| DeprecatedFieldOption: |
| 'deprecated' '=' value=BOOL; |
| |
| PackedFieldOption: |
| 'packed' '=' value=BOOL; |
| |
| OptionSource: |
| target=[IndexedElement|QualifiedName]; |
| |
| OptionField: |
| MessageOptionField | '(' ExtensionOptionField ')'; |
| |
| MessageOptionField: |
| target=[IndexedElement]; |
| |
| ExtensionOptionField: |
| target=[IndexedElement|QualifiedName]; |
| |
| IndexedElement: |
| =>MessageField | Group; |
| |
| Value: |
| ComplexValue | SimpleValueLink; |
| |
| // { foo: 1, bar: 2 } |
| ComplexValue: |
| '{' |
| (fields+=ValueField (',')? (fields+=ValueField (',')?)*)? |
| '}'; |
| |
| ValueField: |
| SimpleValueField | ComplexValueField; |
| |
| SimpleValueField: |
| name=FieldName ':' value=SimpleValueLink; |
| |
| ComplexValueField: |
| name=FieldName ':'? values=ComplexValue; |
| |
| FieldName: |
| NormalFieldName | ExtensionFieldName; |
| |
| NormalFieldName: |
| target=[MessageField]; |
| |
| ExtensionFieldName: |
| '[' target=[MessageField|QualifiedName] ']'; |
| |
| QualifiedName: |
| '.'? SafeId ('.' (WS)* SafeId)*; |
| |
| SafeId: |
| ID | SafeReservedWord; |
| |
| ReservedWord: |
| SafeReservedWord | 'group'; |
| |
| SafeReservedWord: |
| 'package' | 'import' | 'public' | 'option' | 'extend' | 'message' | 'optional' | 'required' | 'repeated' | |
| 'enum' | 'service' | 'rpc' | 'stream' | 'returns' | 'default' | 'extensions' | 'to' | 'max' | 'true' | 'false' | |
| 'double' | 'float' | 'int32' | 'int64' | 'uint32' | 'uint64' | 'sint32' | 'sint64' | 'fixed32' | 'fixed64' | |
| 'sfixed32' | 'sfixed64' | 'bool' | 'string' | 'bytes' | 'weak'; |
| |
| SimpleValueLink: |
| LiteralLink | BooleanLink | NumberLink | StringLink; |
| |
| LiteralLink: |
| target=[Literal]; |
| |
| BooleanLink: |
| target=BOOL; |
| |
| enum BOOL: |
| true | false; |
| |
| NumberLink: |
| HexNumberLink | LongLink | DoubleLink; |
| |
| HexNumberLink: |
| target=HEX; |
| |
| LongLink: |
| target=LONG; |
| |
| terminal LONG returns ecore::ELong: |
| ('-')? (NUMBER)+; |
| |
| DoubleLink: |
| target=DOUBLE; |
| |
| terminal DOUBLE returns ecore::EDouble: |
| ('-')? (NUMBER)* ('.' (NUMBER)+)? | |
| ('-')? (NUMBER)+ ('.') | |
| ('-')? (NUMBER)+ ('.' (NUMBER)*)? (('e'|'E')('-'|'+')? (NUMBER)+) | |
| 'nan' | 'inf' | '-inf'; |
| |
| terminal NUMBER: |
| '0'..'9'; |
| |
| StringLink: |
| target=STRING; |
| |
| terminal STRING: |
| |
| terminal SL_STRING: |
| '"' ('\\' ('"' | "'" | '\\' | !('\\' | '"')) | !('\\' | '"'))* '"' (WS)* | |
| "'" ('\\' ('"' | "'" | '\\' | !('\\' | "'")) | !('\\' | "'"))* "'" (WS)*; |
| |
| terminal ID: '^'?('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*; |
| terminal ML_COMMENT: '/*' -> '*/'; |
| terminal SL_COMMENT: '//' !('\n'|'\r')* ('\r'? '\n')?; |
| terminal WS: (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+; |
| terminal ANY_OTHER: .; |